sad panda

i don’t really know what i am doing. and this is when i feel like i should. i’ve got all these plans and new things going on next year. new jobs. i’m terrified. how do you ever know if you are making the right decision or not? what if leaving here is a bad idea? yes, i hate it here. but you know what? i don’t hate it all the time. or am i convincing myself of that so i stay where it’s comfortable… i just feel sad today. tired. got a sore throat and a headache. trying to take every little thing that i do and turn it into a manual for my job. it’s impossible. why does life have to be so difficult? i can’t help but wonder if this is really what our purpose is… wherever we came from, however we ended up here… just doesn’t seem like this is what it was supposed to be about. *sigh*

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