hey guess what? it’s raining!

i woke up to a thunder storm at 6:45 am this morning. i didn’t mind tho, about being woken up at least. (the rain is another story.) for the last few weeks, sleeping has been really difficult with this growing belly of mine. i’m used to sleeping on my stomach, now i can only go side to side, which hurts my hips after a few hours. not only that, but this little girl is active at night. kicking and flipping around in there. it’s crazy. but it’s okay. i still sometimes can’t believe she’s in there. and a kick in the bladder makes it all the more real.

i’ve been hyper sensitive lately too. i was thinking about my little nieces and about how cute and sweet they are and burst into tears because i couldn’t imagine loving anything so much. but it gets worse. i was driving home from work and there was a wasp on my windshield, and it was getting smashed down by the wind, so i started going slower so it could fly off because i was sad it was getting smashed… and then i saw the reggie and the full effect video for get well soon, with that little lochness monster-ish thing, and i almost cried every time it tipped over it’s drink. i’m such a freak.

yesterday was gorgeous, and we spent it trying to stop the basement from flooding. hooray homeownership!

i’m gonna go watch crappy sunday morning tv.

One Response to hey guess what? it’s raining!

  1. That Reggie video is really sad! It’s not just your pregnancy talking. (;

    Anonymous | 12:30 pm on the 2nd of July, 2006

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